Thứ Năm, 17 tháng 10, 2013

Advantages and Downsides of Teen Part-Time Job

Source:how to make money when your 15

You might be surprised that many teenagers have part-time work. Several could have job opportunities as "baby sitters" (Check out:baby sitting jobs), work for their family's businesses or do garden services. Numerous work for employers in retail industry, fast-food and in other ventures. According to the August, 2011, Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Dept. Of Labor, 25.4% of teenagers, age groups 16 to 19 held part-time or fully committed jobs. About 10% of 15 year olds worked and predictably, this amount boosts with age, specific to the laws established for child labour. The minimal age for non-agricultural employment is 16. However, 14 and 15-year-olds may be employed for certain periods, outside of school hours, in jobs that do not interfere with their health and well-being. Youngsters 16 and older may work at any time of the day for unlimited hours. The percentage of working teens increase during the summer months, and more would work if the jobs were available during this current, poor job market place. (Read more:summer jobs)

In 2008, I conducted an anonymous questionnaire on teens in high school and in college freshmen classes. Among other information sought, were questions on their work experience as teenagers. Lets look at my findings reported by high school and first-year college students, comprising 178 high school and 155 college students. For the first year college students, six out of ten students (60%) indicated they had part-time employment during their high school years, with a slightly higher percent of males compared to females recalling work experiences. Very lazy teens? I don't think so. The data speaks for itself.

The questions for students were slightly different, in that I further investigated the number of hours worked a week; (1) 10 hours or less; (2) 11 to 15 hours; (3) 16 to 20 hours and (4) 21 hours or more.

First lets consider the percentage of high school students who worked part-time jobs. Males: 50%; Females: 25%; Total Sample: 38%

Now let's take a look at the amount of hours the high school students work. Males: 1. 52%; 2. 23%; 3. 11% 4. 14%

Females: 1. 78%; 2. 18%; 3. 4%; 4. 0%

Obviously, you can surmise that males worked part-time jobs at a greater percentage as compared to females, as well as worked much longer hours. There appeared to be no clear pattern as teens progressed from freshman to senior status in the number of hours worked, except for slight acceleration in hours for females. Contemporary teens are certainly not lazy.

(More info:http://thejobsfor16yearolds.Com/)

 Negatives for part-time teenager workers: 

Numerous studies have been done to explore the bad effects of part-time work on teens. Some findings reported increased behavioral troubles, insufficient sleep, not enough leisure, propensity toward drug use, drops in school performance, and even increased psychological stress. Study consistently reported a relationship between the number of hours worked and drawbacks to the teenager. The more hours a week a teenager works above ten hours per week, the greater the perils for teens.

 Advantages for part-time teenager workers: 

The benefits reported may be factors such as greater interest in school, less delinquency, increase in internal motivation, development of work values, adult supervision (often with both parents working, the part-time job affords the teen supervision), and less depression.

 In sum: 

Look around you when you when you go to the mall, the grocery store, the car wash, the movie theater, the restaurants, and other venues; and you will see teens working. We have to monitor the positive and negative effects of teen job.

Additional info:16 year olds in summer

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