Thứ Ba, 29 tháng 10, 2013

Top 7 Ways for Balanced and Young Looking


Besides age, unhealthy lifestyle and awful habits also cause us to age very swiftly. In order to look younger, expensive creams orelegance salons are not enough….The most important thing is how to ensure thehealthy  lifestyle.  So from now on, let’s set a good lifestyle habits with Fstyle to look younger than your actual age.
 Practice deep breathing 

Shift your body's balance of oxygen versus carbon dioxide in favor of energizing, stress-squashing oxygen by doing slow, controlled breathing exercises

When you concentrate on breathing, you are not concentrating on anything else, then you mind will eradicate stress and you will think about things more greatly and profoundly
 Get Active 

Exercise is a great way to release stressed trapped inside and help you stay calm easier.  In addition, it enhances the activity of white blood cells, lifts mood and stimulates blood circulation which are very good for your skin

Staying active boosts circulation, which offers more vitamins to cells and skin. It also improves lung capacity, so you can take in more oxygen; lifts your spirits and sense of well-being; and fights age-related diseases.
 Eat wisely 

Stress can cause you to lose control of eating because your brain usually signals appetite. As a result, you will gain weight and your mood will become worse

Hence, one of the best ways to overcome stress is a balanced diet. If you are craving, eat lean meat because it helps you reduce hunger and provides energy for your body at the same time. Protein is the key to stabilize mood.
 Think positive 

In accordance with the psychologists, thinking about the things which you cherish and love the most will help you more optimistic and alleviate the stressful things on your mind.
Pay attention to sleeping

Lack of sleep makes you irritable, depressed and tired. Meanwhile, 8 hours of sleep everyday will help recover skin cells and enhance the energy overflow. The experts confirmed that sleeping is the best dose for a beautiful skin which does not cost a penny
 Live slowly 

Life moves on so quickly that we are easily pushed into stress. Find a cozy, quiet spot to sit for 10 to 15 minutes every day, stop all your hustling and bustling. Slowing down for a little while helps create a sense of spaciousness in your life, a break in the nonstop whirl that can open the door to new perceptions, new solutions, new possibilities. It gives your brain, your psyche, your whole being a break. Like one long, peaceful sigh.
 Make Love 

Sexual activities help us fight getting older. Healthy sex helps the skin becomes softer, smoother and more rosy. When you make love, beauty promoting events happen during sex as three seductive hormones spill out of the brain: endorphin, prolactin, soothing oxytocin. All of them will be released during orgasm which helps us easily go to sleep right after having sex.
Original source:http://fstyle.Sg/top-7-ways-healthy-young-0804484369.Html

==> Read more:fashion magazine


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